Thursday, July 27, 2006

ACRIS: A very valuable tool that can be used to locate individuals; actual microfiche copies of land transactions

National Obituary Archives

Did you know that there is an International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators? If you’re looking into the private sector, or seeking assistance or background on such crimes, they may be of some help. You can check them out There is also an International Association of Undercover Officers. They can be found I was just wondering, though, about this organization. Do they publish a membership guide? What do they call their Annual meeting? I can’t imagine walking into a hotel lobby with the welcoming sign “Welcome to All Undercover Officers”. What would you do, attend with a mask on? Does the hotel have 250 people registered as John Johnson? This just doesn’t seem to be a job role that would lend itself to public programs. But...there you go...


Acting in concrete... Acting in concert
Athletic flips with conversions... Epileptic fit with convulsions
Colossal bag... Colostomy
Diabolic... Diabetic
Electrocution school... Electrician school
Get indicated... Get indicted
Getting paid... Doing robberies
Fireballs in eucharist... Fibrosis of the uterus
Lincoln Townhouse... Lincoln Town Car
Monogrammed headache... Migraine headache
Onions on the feet... Bunions
Persecuted... Prosecuted
Provoked... Revoked
Roaches of the liver... Cirrhosis of the liverS
Singing merry Jesus... Spinal meningitis
Smoke insulation... Smoke inhalation
Statue of liberties... Statute of limitations
Streeticide... Outdoors homicide
Subway farez... Savoir faire
Throwing asparagus... Casting aspersions
Veranda rights... Miranda rights
Very closed veins... Varicose Veins
Virginia... Vagina

Sunday, July 16, 2006


The FBI Laboratory’s Combined DNA Index System is better known as CODIS. CODIS blends forensic science and computer technology into an effective tool for solving violent crimes. CODIS enables federal, state, and local crime labs to exchange and compare DNA profiles electronically, thereby linking crimes to each other and to convicted offenders. Originally a pilot project begun in 1990, CODIS has evolved from its origination as serving 14 state and local laboratories to its current nationwide level. The DNA Identification Act of 1994 formalized the FBI’s authority to establish a national DNA index for law enforcement purposes. It was in October 1998 that the FBI’s National DNA Index System – NDIS – became operational. CODIS is implemented as a distributed database with three levels – local, state, and national. NDIS is the highest level in the CODIS Program, exchanging information on a national level. All DNA profiles originate at the local level (LDIS), then flow to the state (SDIS) and national (NDIS) levels. CODIS generates investigative leads using two indexes: the forensic and the offender indexes. The Forensic Index contains DNA profiles from crime scene evidence. The Offender Index contains DNA profiles of individuals convicted of sex offenses and other violent crimes which are included in the DNA requirements of the particular local and state agencies. Matches in the Forensic Index can link crime scenes from different jurisdictions, possibly identifying serial offenders. Police agencies can coordinate their respective investigations, sharing leads they may have developed independently, when a Forensic Index match occurs. Matches between the Forensic and the Offender Index provide investigators with an identity of the culprit. It is noted that all states are participating in the National DNA Index System (NDIS), except for Mississippi, Rhode Island, and Hawaii. DNA evidence collected at a crime scene is analyzed by a forensic laboratory at the local level; Once typed, the profile is then run against the convicted-offender DNA profiles in the State Databank to attempt to make a match. In addition, profiles from other unsolved cases are compared against it to identify serial crimes. If no match occurs at the state level the profile is uploaded to the Federal DNA Index System for comparison with DNA profiles from other states. DNA profiles remain in the Federal Databank and are regularly searched against new profiles as they are added to the system. It is important to remember, as an investigator, that once a match is made of the suspected profile the search will usually end. If there is no “match” locally, it is submitted to the state; if no match in the state, then it is submitted to the federal database. This is important to keep in mind. The investigator should keep in contact with the ME’s Office analyst; this will ensure that the appropriate checks which you want done are so completed.

The No. 1 state for identity theft is Arizona, where one in six adults has had his or her identity stolen in the past five years. Why? Blame it on two things, according to Javelin Strategy and Research, a private research firm that conducted the study:(1) A large number of methamphetamine users in the state.(2) A decision by local governments to post public records on the Internet. This is how bad it is in Arizona: Identity theft there is double the national average. And it's being fueled by meth addicts. James Van Dyke, president of Javelin, calls it a "supply-chain effect." Van Dyke told ABC News reporter Leslie Yeransian, "Meth users will take your bills in the mail and sell your bank statements as a form of payment. Then the [meth-]maker will use those bank statements to go into an existing account or make a new account off that information or sell your statements to an identity theft specialist."The police admit that methamphetamine use and identity theft are a tightly linked problem. "Every time we find a meth lab, we also find identity theft," Detective Tony Morales of the Phoenix Police Department told ABC News. "These meth freaks like to hang together, and they learn about identity theft tricks together."How are the meth addicts getting such sensitive data? They aren't just stealing it out of dumpsters or your mailbox. Often, they are getting it from the government--with a click of a mouse on the Internet. That's especially true in Arizona where counties put very private information on very public Web sites for the convenience of county employees. Two treasure troves for ID criminals are divorce decrees and tax liens. Still, Van Dyke says the greatest risk to innocent people is the old-fashioned paper trail. "They should be more worried about documents going through the mail. We found in our research that only 9 percent of identity theft can be traced to Internet use and billing," he told ABC News. "If you follow normal precautions on the Internet you are actually better off than using mail."Top five states for identity theft:1. Arizona 2. Nevada 3. California 4. Texas 5. Colorado