Sick Trinkets
There is a growing community of collectors seeking items now known as “murderabilia.” Paintings by serial killers and other garbage are being scarfed up on the internet as soon as the stuff is posted. It’s hard to imagine spending one’s extra cash on crap that used belong to the “Unabomber,” Ted Kaczynski, but people are lining up on E-bay to buy everything that the whack-job used to own. Among the items for sale are Ted’s smelly sneakers, his infamous typewriter, and his copy of Strunk & White’s “Elements of Style.”
In Detroit, the graduates of a recent police academy class are going back to school after 26 recruits made a rather large error when Detroit Police Chief Ella Bully-Cummings visited them. What was their mistake? They forgot to salute the boss as is called for in departmental procedures. The recruits will now have an extra week of classes to brush up on their technique.
The last thing you want to do if you’re operating a mobile meth lab out of your car is fall asleep in the vehicle. But if you do decide you need some rest, do not park the drug lab in front of the county jail. Otherwise it might get written up in American Police Beat. In Waterloo, Iowa, drug manufacturer and total idiot Kirk Alan Marvel, 42, was busted in his mobile meth lab when officers noticed that he was not responding to series of green lights at an intersection. They woke Mr. Marvel up, arrested him, and took him across the street for booking.
China has surpassed both the U.S.A. and Europe in terms of total beer consumption world-wide. Chinese people now account for one out of every five beers consumed on earth.
(reprinted from APB)
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